TreKing aims to be the most feature-complete Chicago public transit tracking app available for iOS. Period.
Here is a detailed list of everything you can do with this powerful app.
Vehicle arrival predictions
Vehicle arrival predictions
- Real-time predictions for CTA buses
- Real-time predictions for CTA trains
- Real-time predictions for Pace buses
- Real-time predictions for Metra trains
- Set a destination stop and get estimated trip time
Save your favorites
Save your favorites
- Save frequently used stops ("Treks") and organize them with labels
- Reorder, rearrange, edit, and delete favorites easily
Nearby stops
Nearby stops
- View all stops within up to a half mile radius
- View all routes that serve those stops and the directions they run in
- Quickly get predictions at any nearby stop
Trip planning
Trip planning
- Get step-by-step directions via public transit
- Set arrival or departure time to work around schedule
- Save your frequently used queries for faster planning
- Save acquired directions for offline use
Even more features
Even more features
- Built-in bug-reporting for quickly addressing any issues
- Dedicated customer support - just email me!
All this and the app is still under heavy, active development!
Many more features still to come, with major updates every month or two!